These thoughts of mine have been inspired by the time we live in. Always in a hurry. Chasing what, at the end seems like nothing. We forget how beautiful it is to stop and look within ourselves and focus on the things we naturally possess. We don't spend enough time doing what brings a smile to our faces and inner peace for our souls.
Do you ever want to just lay in the grass and watch the sky? I love that feeling. I watch the clouds forming shapes and disappearing in minutes. I admire the night sky, its movement, and mysteries. I make patterns in my head and think about what it all means.
I have always been fascinated by how human behavior is defined by a few characteristics. I am thinking about how each star has its place. How the sun path and the day of our birth influences who we are. The sky is affecting our lives, giving it deeper meaning and helps the inner development of our soul. Understanding this phenomenon is made easier for us by certain ancient cultures. They spent years observing the stars and human behaviors, just to simplify these characteristics and pin them to different signs. Different cultures have different perspectives by which they determine signs.
The fact that people have created 12 signs does not mean they are strictly limited. Signs are interrelated, influencing and touching amongst themselves. Our lives are in our hands. I believe that if we all followed what is naturally given to us and use it to our advantage, we would all be simply happy.
This topic captivated me so much that I used this inspiration and decided to draw 12 zodiac signs. How the signs are displayed on animals and how we humans are associated with nature is fascinating. The feathers in all of the pictures represent the freedom that we all possess within ourselves. Other details in the form of geometry, dots, commas, leaves and more represent what we have chosen to surround ourselves with (work, family, friends, hobbies).