Plant motifs have always appeared in all of my drawings. At first, they were just tiny, symbolic details. Now, I have decided to make them the central elements of my new collection. In the next few lines, I would like to tell you a bit more about my floral inspiration.
Plants are an essential part of my life, and not only because I have quite a lot of them in my studio. Looking closely at their beauty made me realize how each one is entirely unique, yet equally important. They breathe out oxygen that keeps the planet alive, and when touched by sunbeams, they provide nutrients to all living creatures. They treat illnesses, bring warmth to our homes, and their death nourishes the soil. In large amounts, their presence impacts entire climates and ecosystems. And on top of all their ecological duties, they bring us aesthetic pleasure and an endless source of inspiration.
Virtually untouched by humans, many exotic places may seem to us like heaven on earth. We are willing to travel long hours to see them with our own eyes. But let's not forget about the greenery in our own homelands, that has shaped us since our childhood years. Many people whose natural surroundings have been destroyed can no longer climb the tree they carved their initials into when they were a child. Therefore let's admire nature even in its most basic forms, and let's think about our own best ways of protecting its riches.
While writing these lines, I'm savoring the feeling of just sitting on my terrace, sipping coffee, and observing the quiet life of mother nature. I am so lucky to be surrounded by trees, plants, and animals, being able to watch the cycles of nature right at the doorstep of my studio. It brings peace and happiness to my days, and I wish for everyone to be as close to nature, being conscious of its importance.
I often think about how different my home would be if the natural beauty around me disappeared. It fills me with gratitude and keeps me grounded. I genuinely believe that incorporating more plants and flowers into our lives can have a positive impact on our future and well-being. This and all the reasons above inspired me to create an entirely new collection called Plants and Flowers. I hope it will bring more of nature's green treasures closer to your doorstep, too.
More designs coming soon. For updates, stay tuned on my Instagram :).